Tech and SaaS sales best practices
Feb 9, 2022
1 min
Salescode Global revenue engine

4 Tips For Building A Business Continuity Plan For Your SaaS

Companies that provide critical services must ensure business continuity at all costs. An unplanned incident or natural disaster can interrupt your operations.

Woman holding tablet internet of things

The pandemic slowed down activities in many businesses that were not ready to operate in a fully remote setup. So how to ensure your core functions continue to run or get back on track ASAP? 

Here are a few tips:

  • First, identify and prevent basic potential threats such as cyber-attacks or data loss.
  • Make sure your review these threats with regular risk reassessments.
  • Have an A team that will respond to the emergency first, and train them.
  • List potential disaster scenarios and related recovery plans.

With critical institutions widely adopting SaaS applications, how does your business ensure systems are running continuously?

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